Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Mid sem break

My mid sem break was started on 28 feb 2009,I went back home to Kulim on 1st March 2009..
Donno wat to do at home bcoz were school except me,so I make a date with Library.. :))
Actually today is my 1st day to library..teringat mse zmn sekolah especially mse nk spm...
abis kelas,naik bas trun kat library..ptg kul 5 bru balik...
antara fav sub yg salu stdy kat sini Add Math,Modern Math,Chemist,Physics n Bio...
tpi result mcm 2 gak...kantoi2...hahaha
xpela dh rezeki kan..cuti mid sem ni ak nk kne wat more exercise in accounting and microeconomic...really tough...
maybe in this July i will change my study to UiTM,but still in a same course...
There are some reasons why i change my study...
But now still dlm perbincangan ngan family..