as usual on friday,i went back home to bangi..
i thought wanna to study especially acc,math...
arrived there at 3pm..study account at 1030pm until 1230am..
so ngantuklaaa...huhuhu..maybe tired kot...
1 NOV 2008
woke up at 10 am...hehehe
best oo tido...hehehe
at 1230,went to mid valley with my uncle`s family..
ingtkan skjap je...
lme kne tggu...lucky i brought my business book...
after having our lunch at the hotel,me n cik cik went hang out at mid...1stly we went to mph,then went to parkson...
wow!!it was having sale right now until 70%...my eyes like blink2...hehehe
nok boli apo haa...tp den xdo duit...huhuhuh
then we stopped in front of parkson and study business...msuk ke tu???
then became bored, we back to boulvared hotel,and prayed there,then back to nid then to the gardens...its my first time went there...my aunt went shopping while me n cik2 went to borders...guess wat???
i finally found tht book!!!A WALK TO REMEMBER by Nicholas Sparks...

and the book its about rm51...waa..so expensive maa..
then i just read tht book...then my cousin took tht book and gave to her dad to pay..i just shut up!!!i will have tht book!!its a nice story...
then we back home at 9pm after having our dinner at bombay spice...
original curry from india oo...
i just `mengidam` nak mkn curry opah i...then my uncle bwa mkn kari india...its oklaaa...janji kari...hehehehe
thanx yaa...
me n mar
me n cik2
anak mami...heheh
jusco lh bkan parkson...
ok2...correction...i thought parkson lorh...huhuu
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