actually i wanna back home on 18,but my mum ask me to get back early...
went a trip to Genting which was my lil bro trip...

24 nov...
we went back to our lovely kg,at Raub,phg... cold maa...
i love to spend my time with sleeping..hahaha...
29 nov...
had a kenduri cukur rambut for my cousin,amir mirza..
i love to see the way they make this kenduri,very traditional...
also my first time see them make a bubur cirit funny to heard tht kind of name..hehehe
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha!!!!
after raya with our relatives,
went back home to kulim on at 6pm...
arrived at 2am..
guess wat???
i got a new laptop from my dad!!
thanx yaa...
got to go...bye!